Archaeological survey of portions of the Comal River watershed, Comal County, Texas




Hester, Thomas R.
Bass, Feris A., Jr.
Kelly, Thomas C.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


In November, 1974, an archaeological survey was carried out in portions of the Coma1 River Watershed, Coma1 County, Texas (Figs. 1, 2). These investigations resulted from an agreement (427-SCS-TX-75) betweenthe U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service and the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Fieldwork was conducted by personnel of the Center, under the supervision of Dr. Thomas R. Hester. The Soil Conservation Service proposes to construct two floodwater retarding structures in the Coma1 River Watershed: Floodwater Retarding Structure No. 1 will encompass 276 acres (112 hectares), while 558 acres (226 hectares) will be involved in the construction of Structure No.2. In order to assess the archaeological and historical resources within the two project areas, the survey teams carried out their field studies following these five guidelines: 1. Determine if such archeological resources exist within the areas committed to installation of each floodwater retarding structure. 2. If resources are found, record, identify, and appraise the significance of resources. 3. Evaluate the impact of project installation on each resource. 4. Provide and result in recommendations for mitigation of adverse impacts anticipated. 5. Provide estimate of costs required for mitigation (sal-vage, protection, etc.).



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Texas history, Comal County, Comal River

