Archaeological survey for the Proposed St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home expansion, City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas




Mahoney, Richard B.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


During September 2003, the Center for Archaeological Research of The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted an archaeological survey for the proposed development of 3.17 acres at the St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home in the city of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The Phase I survey consisted of the excavation of 18 shovel tests. A single previously unrecorded prehistoric archaeological site (41BX1570) was encountered atop a terrace along a probable remnant channel of the San Antonio River. Moderate to abundant amounts of burned limestone, burned chert, and lithic debitage, along with two lithic tools comprised the prehistoric artifact assemblage. Four mechanically chipped lithic flakes were encountered with the prehistoric deposits throughout the vertical column to the terminal excavation depth of 70 centimeters below surface. The presence of these modern artifacts in concert with evidence of significant historic subsurface disturbance has provided adequate data to determine this site is not eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places nor for listing as a State Archeological Landmark. It is therefore recommended that the proposed improvements proceed without further cultural resources investigations. All collected artifacts and records are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research permanent storage facility.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, San Antonio, St. Peter-St. Joseph Children's Home

