Client dropout from psychotherapy: diagnostic variables




Mendoza, Marissa Jean

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In this thesis, the purpose of the first study is to further aggregate data on major depressive disorder (MDD) and dropout from treatment as it is among the most common diagnoses reported in clinical settings and one that is treatment dropout. A mean weighted Cohen's d was calculated and found a small effect size of 0.20 among 10 studies. The purpose of the second study was to explore whether certain diagnoses associate with dropout from psychotherapy in mental health facilities throughout the state of Texas. Rather than directly sampling patients/clients, this study assessed dropout data via clinician report at these agencies. In other words, dropout is examined from the perspective of the treatment providers rather than the clients. No previous study has undertaken this kind of survey on such an extensive scale. Descriptive analyses revealed that during treatment and follow-up had the most instances of dropout. Chi-squared analyses revealed that mood and behavioral disorders were highly related to dropout, as well as age and sex.


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Attrition, Demographics, Diagnosis, Dropout, Psychotherapy


