The Cayo del Oso Site (41NU2) Volume II Results of Archeological Monitoring of Spur 3, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas 2000-2007
Meissner, Barbara A.
Tomka, Steve A.
Thompson, Jennifer L.
Mauldin, Raymond P.
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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
This report is the second volume in a two volume set (see Jackson et al. 2004) detailing the archeological work conducted at site 41NU2 over several years. This volume focuses on the results of construction monitoring associated with road improvements to Spur 3, in Corpus Christi. The work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Committee Permit Number 2445, originally issued to Dr. Robert Hard, who served as the Principal Investigator during the early phases of the project. In 2001, the permit was transferred to Dr. Raymond P. Mauldin, who served as the Principal Investigator the remainder of the project.
archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, archaeological surveying, excavations, Cayo del Oso, Nueces County