Perceptual deterrence and drunk driving among college students: Self reported perception of risk and driving after drinking




Prather, Sean

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Within the last decade, there has been a continuous increase in celerity and severity of punishment aimed directly at reducing the offence of drinking and driving. This was an exploratory study into Texas DWI sanctions, as well as informal sanctions, assessing their effectiveness as an individualized deterrent. The aim of the research was to assess the relationship between formal and informal sanctions and self-reported driving behavior of UTSA Students. This study involved a cross sectional survey design used to compare the deterrence effect created by informal and formal sanctions on driving behavior. Logistic regression was used to examine the influences of informal and formal inhibitors on intoxicated driving. The findings within this study suggests that respondents with a high level of moral commitment to the law, anticipate social disapproval and perceive certainty of arrests are less likely to participate in intoxicated driving behavior. These findings supports past studies.


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driving, drunk, drunk driving, Intoxicated, Intoxicated driving



Criminal Justice