Leakage Optimized Parallel Prefix Adders for Implantable Cardiac Devices
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Development of implantable medical devices is always a unique challenge as it requires robust materials, versatile functionality, low battery power consumption, system delivery, and wireless communication all in one reliable yet low form factor. A pacemaker monitors the cardiac signals of the heart, calculates the need for artificial pacing, and generates electric impulses to synchronize the heart's rhythm. In a typical pacemaker, a dedicated microprocessor plays a prominent role in monitoring, pulse generation, and other required functionalities. The Arithmetic Logic Unit is one of the most important components in a microprocessor and relies heavily on adders with very low power consumption.
The objective of this thesis is to find a suitable leakage optimized Parallel Prefix Adder among Brent-Kung Adder, Han-Carlson Adder, Knowles Adder, Kogge-Stone Adder, Ladner-Fischer Adder, and Sklansky Adder for implantable cardiac devices. The performance metrics considered for the analysis of adders are power, delay, and area.
In this research, techniques such as High-Vt, Low-Vt and Standard-Vt versions of the SAED 90nm and slow-slow, typical-typical and fast-fast corners of NCSU 45nm process libraries are used for implementation of 16, 32, and 64-bit Parallel Prefix Adders. Multi-threshold Voltage Technique is also considered for power performance enhancement. TSMC 180nm technology is used for schematic and physical layout syntheses.