An archaeological evaluation of three prehistoric sites, Upper Cibolo Creek watershed, Kendall County, south central Texas




Valdez, Fred
McGraw, A. Joachim

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


During the summer of 1977, personnel from the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), conducted archaeological test excavations at three sites along Frederick Creek in Kendall County, Texas. These sites were located in areas proposed for modification by the construction of Floodwater Retarding Structure #3 in the Upper Cibolo Creek watershed. The field work was conducted under a contract between the Center for Archaeological Research and the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (Purchase Order No. 40-7442-7-1212). An initial survey of the area had been conducted in February 1975, and resulted in the documentation of two historic and 17 prehistoric sites (Bass and Hester 1975). Three prehistoric sites, 41 KE 46, 41 KE 54 and 41 KE 57, were recommended for testing to evaluate their importance. To more clearly define the archaeological potential of these three sites, the investigations had two major objectives: (l) to accurately determine the horizontal and vertical extent of the cultural deposits; and (2) to evaluate these archaeological resources in terms of possible nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Indians of North America, Kendall County

