An examination of the leadership practices of Teacher Leader Campus Instructional Coordinators (TLCICs) intended to improve the academic achievement of students in Title I inner city middle schools




Byng, June Merlene

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The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership practices of Teacher Leader Campus Instructional Coordinators (TLCICs) intended to improve the academic achievement of students in Title I inner city middle schools. While the primary research question addressed TLCIC leadership practices, two secondary questions addressed TLCIC relationships and support. Utilizing a qualitative exploratory case study methodology, interview and observational data were collected from two magnet middle school sites. Participants included three TLCICs, two principals, two department chairs, and one central office staff member. Findings revealed that TLCICs at both campuses engage in similar leadership practices intended to improve student academic achievement. Obstacles to TLCIC work include time constraints, ambiguity of duties and responsibilities, and lack of preparation and support.


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Campus Instructional Coordinators, Campus Leaders, Instructional Coordinators, Teacher Leaders, Teacher Leadership



Educational Leadership and Policy Studies