Phase II archaeological investigations at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas




Houk, Brett A.
Nickels, David L.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted significance testing at eight prehistoric archaeological sites at Lackland Air Force Base Medina Annex in Bexar County, Texas, for the Department of the Air Force under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Air Force had selected two areas of Medina Annex for possible impact associated with the construction of on-base housing. Alternate 1, the Medina Annex Housing Area, includes sites 41BX1088, 41BX1090 and 41BX1091. Alternate 2, the Medina Dog Training Area, includes sites 41BX1070, 41BX1102, 41BX1103, and 41BX1114. Site 41BX1076 is located outside of the impact areas and was tested under Section 110. A previously unrecorded site, 41BX1208, was located during the course of the testing project in Alternate 2. The site, a small lithic scatter, was inspected and mapped. Based on the results of the testing at the Medina Annex, CAR recommends to WACC that two sites--41BX1102 and 41BX1103--are eligible for NRHP designation. CAR recommends that the testing project has exhausted the research potential of the remaining sites which are all recommended as ineligible for NRHP nomination.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, San Antonio, excavations, Lackland Air Force Base

