Archaeological investigations of the City of San Antonio Nursery and San Antonio Zoo Eagle railroad tract realignment project, Bexar County, Texas




Figueroa, Antonia L.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted mechanical augering on land that was used for the former City of San Antonio Nursery and Parks and Maintenance Facility. Furthermore, a surface inspection of the San Antonio Zoo Eagle mini-track proposed re-alignment was also conducted. During investigations prehistoric site 41BX1773 was recorded in the northern section of the APE. Only one piece of fire-cracked rock and a railroad spike were collected during the surface inspection along the proposed San Antonio Zoo Eagle re-alignment. Archaeological investigations were conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 4647. CAR recommends that impacts to site 41BX1773 should be avoided and the re-alignment of the San Antonio Zoo Eagle train track may proceed as planned. All materials recovered during the investigations and all project related documents are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, archaeological surveying, excavations, Bexar County, San Antonio

