An intensive pedestrian archaeological survey of the Salado Creek Greenway, Wetmore Avenue to Eisenhauer Road, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas - Phase II: N. E. Loop 410 to Wetmore Avenue
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The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted an intensive pedestrian archaeological survey of the Salado Creek Greenway project located in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas to fulfill contract requirements with Adams Environmental, Inc. of San Antonio. The survey was conducted under the requirements of the City of San Antonio Unified Development Code Chapter 35, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, and the Texas Antiquities Code. The survey was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 4561, with Dr. Raymond Mauldin, CAR Assistant Director, serving as Principal Investigator and Antonia L. Figueroa serving as the Project Archaeologist. The work was conducted in advance of construction of a multi-use greenway trail proposed by the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of San Antonio. The project consists of development of a multi-use greenway trail running from Wetmore Avenue to Eisenhauer Road along the Salado Creek channel. The project area was surveyed in two phases with the first phase from N.E. Loop 410 to Eisenhauer Road completed in August 2007 (Munoz 2008) and the second phase from N.E. Loop 410 to Wetmore Avenue completed in February 2008. This report summarizes the results of the fieldwork from Phase II and provides recommendations regarding the management of cultural resources located on the project area. The archaeological investigations conducted by CAR resulted in the identification and recording of three new sites (41BX1764, 41BX1765 and 41BX1766). A portion of site 41BX841 was revisited as part of the pedestrian survey. However, the proposed trail alignment will not impact the site. The CAR recommends that sites 41BX1765 and 41BX1766 are not eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historical Places (NRHP). Shovel testing at 41BX1764 suggests the site is potentially eligible for the NRHP under criterion D. Because the site is located on the proposed trail alignment, the CAR recommends eligibility testing of the 41BX1764. All materials recovered during the investigations and all project related documents are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research.