A study of African American male superintendents in Texas public schools: how did they navigate the superintendency?




Cheatom, Jerry W.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the phenomenon of underrepresentation of African American males as superintendents in Texas. The study also explored how some African American male superintendents successfully navigate the system to gain access and continue to serve. The study contributed to the body of knowledge by revealing through the perception of the participants their lived experiences to navigate and continue in a vocation with a deficient number of African American males. The study employed a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological research design to conduct the research project. The theoretical framework employed was social justice leadership. The researcher selected 4 participants using purposive sampling from a shallow population of African American male superintendents in Texas. Data collection was through semistructured, phenomenological interviews. The participants served as the primary units of analysis to obtain perception on navigation and continuation in the superintendency for African American male superintendents. The findings revealed 3 themes: (a) ascension to the superintendency, (b) continuation in the superintendency, and (c) leadership for social justice. The key findings in the theme of ascension to the superintendency were spiritual capital and job proficiency. The key findings in the theme of continuing in the superintendency were operations problem solving, hiring the most qualified, and board relationships. The key findings in the theme of leadership for social justice were social justice leadership, student focus, and mentoring future leaders.


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African American education, African American male, African American male superintendent's ascension, African American male superintendent's ascension perceptions, Texas African American male superintendent's ascension, Texas African American male superintendents



Educational Leadership and Policy Studies