Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Indonesia




Valenzuela, Leander Edward

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The study of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has generally overlooked Indonesia. This is unfortunate because Indonesia's unique sociocultural context provides ample opportunities for novel research and intervention endeavors. The purpose of this proposed study is to expand on the current literature by examining the correlates of IPV in contemporary Indonesia. Three separate but related research questions are addressed in this study. They are: (1) What is the relationship between the experience of abuse and witness of inter-parental violence in childhood and the risk of subsequent IPV victimization and perpetration in adulthood? (2) What is the nature of the association between attitudes regarding IPV and past year victimization and perpetration of violence? and (3) Are there any associations between key religious factors (e.g., religious identification, religious service attendance, self-reported religiosity, etc.) and attitudes toward IPV as well as IPV victimization and perpetration? These important research questions will be answered using a survey dataset collected from Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2018.


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Indonesia, Intimate partner violence, Marriage


