A study to explore how Gardner's multiple intelligences are represented in fourth grade everyday mathematics curriculum in the state of Texas




Akcay, Ahmet Oguz

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Mathematics is one of the main courses in different grade levels in many countries; however, it is problematic for some students (Isik & Tarim, 2009). There are many reasons why mathematics is problematic for students. One of them is the traditional teaching style. The other is that students cannot understand the nature of mathematics, and the last one is that students cannot apply mathematics in their lives. Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) which was explored by Gardner is one of theories used to teach mathematics. In this study the 4th grade Texas Everyday Mathematics (TEM) teacher guide (2a) curriculum was focused on to investigate how many multiple intelligences were represented in 4th grade. Six intelligences were the focus: visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence. Verbal-linguistic, mathematics-logical, and existential intelligences were not the focus. The TEM fractions unit includes three different subsections, but the researcher only focused on one of them---Teaching the Lesson. To investigate the 4th grade teacher's guide TEM curriculum MIT checklist (created by the researcher) and MIT chart (created based on Family Education Network, Campbell, Campbell, & Dickinson, and Razmjoo) were used. According to the findings, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences were represented in the TEM fractions unit which is a good example of represented MIT activities.


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Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching