Archaeological survey for the proposed Seton Home campus expansion, City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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During November 2003, the Center for Archaeological Research of The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted an archaeological survey for a proposed 9.3-acre development at the Seton Home property in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The Phase I survey consisted of a 100 percent pedestrian survey and the excavation of 24 shovel tests. A portion of previously recorded site 41BX1570 was investigated with six shovel tests, delimiting the southern boundary of the site. Moderate amounts of burned limestone, burned chert, and lithic debitage comprised the prehistoric artifact assemblage. During current and previous investigations, several modern artifacts were encountered with the prehistoric deposits throughout the vertical column to the terminal excavation depth of 70 centimeters below surface. The presence of these modern artifacts, in concert with evidence of significant historic subsurface disturbance, has provided adequate data to determine this site ineligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places or for listing as a State Archeological Landmark. Under the Scope of Work for the current project, archaeological monitoring of a subsurface utility line is specified. Location of the line is proposed at or near the northern property boundary separating Seton Home and St. Peter-St.Joseph Children’s Home. Site 41BX1570 will be bisected by the utility line, regardless of alternative placement in the general vicinity. The excavation of the utility trench and the monitoring of these excavations will occur during the spring of 2004. The results of this monitoring will be reported within a separate letter report. However, this report is produced to summarize the results of the pedestrian survey and serves to provide for clearance of cultural resources only in the remainder of the project area. It is recommended that construction be allowed to proceed outside of the proposed utility corridor.