Mobile application development and server-end data processing for tailored interactive programs
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Recent advancements in communication technology have enabled billions of people in the developed and developing worlds to connect with the world and others. Smartphones, the most common "personal computers" today, have revolutionized the communication landscape. Almost 'always-on' and highly portable (carried by their users everywhere they go), smartphones provide real-time, on-demand communication [19]. Besides the communication standpoint the mobile technology has potential advantages for providing their applications in several areas of interests (ranging from games, multimedia data processing, accessing the Internet, and health activity monitoring applications). According to a report published by Pew Research Centre's Internet and American Life Project, 53% of US adults own a smartphone and one in three of these users use the phone for health information. One-fifth of the smartphone owners have health apps on their devices [20]. The mobile revolution is offering an unprecedented opportunity to provide medical support when and where people need it. Hence there is an increasing interest from academics and clinicians in harnessing smartphone applications as a means of delivering interventions for health. Initial qualitative research on mobile phone use for health has already proved the significance. Thus smartphones are being used to share the behavioral/ motivating and health data with the health professionals and peers. They are also used in novel ways to promote health behaviors (smoking sessions, care and prevention of HIV, and etc.) and healthy habits. Most of the phone-based interventions are relied on the traditional text-messaging that guide a person through the process of health behavior change. This work mainly focuses on providing an android OS based application for these phone-based interventions that mainly concentrated on interactive tailored health communication mechanisms. With this application the incoming messages from the dedicated server are processed and are easy to respond through an interactive interface, provided for them. This work also includes the data processing part of the messages at the server-end of the dedicated systems.