Archaeological testing of site 41BX1199, Government Canyon State Natural Area, Bexar County, Texas
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In May 2001, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), The University of Texas at San Antonio, tested two areas of site 41BX1199 in the Government Canyon State Natural Area. The Natural Area is located in northwest Bexar County and is under the ownership and management of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). In advance of opening the Natural Area for public use, TPWD contracted with the CAR to conduct a 100 percent pedestrian survey of proposed trail systems within the property and to carry out National Register eligibility testing of site 41BX1199. CAR personnel conducted the testing of 41BX1199 under Texas Antiquities Permit 2582. This report discusses only the results of the test excavations performed at 41BX1199. Two spatially isolated portions of site 41BX1199 were to be impacted by the construction of picnic locations and camping facilities. The two areas covered 7 acres (2.8 hectares) and 11.6 acres (4.7 hectares), respectively. The CAR testing efforts focused on these areas. Thirty-five shovel tests and one 1-x-1- meter test unit were excavated in the larger area, while 14 shovel tests were dug in the smaller area. Testing efforts identified a low-density, disturbed surface scatter of artifacts and a modern hearth feature. No temporal diagnostic artifacts were recovered. The sparse collection of lithic artifacts, the lack of temporal diagnostics, the deflated character of some of the deposits, and the modern hearth feature suggested that the examined portions of 41BX1199 have low research potential and are not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or designation as a State Archeological Landmark. It is recommended that the area connecting the two impact zones be periodically examined for exposed artifacts that may come to light as a result of pedestrian and equestrian traffic. It is further recommended that an archaeologist monitor the work to be carried out in the impact zones and document any intact cultural materials encountered during construction.