Intensive pedestrian survey of three tracts to be impacted by the planned expansion of the San Antonio International Airport, Bexar County, Texas
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During the months of March and April 2005, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted a 100 percent intensive pedestrian survey of three tracts of land (totaling 210 acres) for Adams Environmental, Inc. The project area is located within the boundaries of the San Antonio International Airport and the tracts are owned by the City of San Antonio Department of Aviation. The tracts represent the planned locations for the expansion of two runways and land development adjacent to them. The goal of the archaeological survey was to identify and document all prehistoric and/or historic archaeological sites in the project area. The archaeological survey revealed that there were major disturbances in all three tracts. No prehistoric and/or historic sites were encountered and no additional archaeological work is recommended in association with the runway expansion project. The possibility that an alternative Widely Spaced Runway Option would be pursued for airport expansion was also considered as part of this project. The area that would be impacted by this alternative option is located on the north-descending bank of Salado Creek. Additional archaeological work, in the form of a 100 percent intensive pedestrian survey coupled with a standing structure survey, is recommended within this alternative area if this is the final option chosen for development. All artifacts collected during these investigations are curated at the CAR facility according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines. These investigations were conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 3619, with Dr. Steve Tomka, CAR director, serving as Principal Investigator.