Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Quantitative Newsmaking Criminological Study
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Research on educator sexual misconduct is limited and there is not presently a national database available for study. The purpose of this inquiry was to explore, describe, examine, and analyze the extent of reported educator misconduct and educator sexual misconduct cases using Google Alerts of news media reports in the United States over a three-year period (2017-2019). This research seeks to address 1) descriptive analysis of all reported educator adjudications from 2017-2019, 2) descriptive analysis of reported educator sexual misconduct (ESM) adjudications from 2017-2019, and 3) analysis of the information, associations, and odds determined through a logistic regression of reported educator sexual misconduct (ESM) adjudication factors and the reported use of social media/electronic communications in those cases in the United States from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019.This research appears to be the first multi-year longitudinal national study of its kind. The first study to use logistic regressions to predict criminal adjudications for educator sexual misconduct and the first to create a prediction model based on a review of literature and regression analysis for the phenomenon of educator sexual misconduct. Evidence suggests that educator gender, incident location, educator age, school level, victim gender, victim grade level, victim relationship to educator, method of crime detection, and social media/electronic communications were all significant factors in predicting the odds of a reported educator sexual misconduct adjudication.