San Saba Mill Pond Park survey, San Saba County, Texas
Cox, I. Waynne
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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, was contracted by L. K. Travis & Associates, Inc., to perform an archival research and field survey of 60 acres under consideration for the expansion of the Mill Pond Park within the City of San Saba. The research and survey were conducted by Research Associate Waynne Cox on April 21, 22 and 23. No evidence of either prehistoric or historic occupation was located within the survey area; however, archival research revealed further information concerning the nature and age of the mill for which the park was named. No further work is recommended on the area designated for expansion, but the nature of the park appears worthy of further research and development.
archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, archaeological surveying, San Saba