Leadership strategies to retain and sustain first year teachers




Seybert, Jennifer

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Teacher shortage and attrition has been reported by the National Commission on Teaching and America's future (2007) as a matter of severe concern. According to the Commission, 30% of novice teachers leave the profession within their first three years. This rate is even higher when novice teachers are working in high-need, urban schools. The purpose of this study was to explore effective K-6 leadership strategies that help retain and sustain first-year teachers. Using a case-study design, this study observed novice teachers' challenges in their first year as well as strategies used by school principals to improve the support for these novice teachers. Three campuses were included in the study and were located in West Texas. The researcher found that school climate, communication and support are all necessary for new teacher retention.


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leadership, principals, teacher attrition, teacher retention, education



Educational Leadership and Policy Studies