Communities of Practice as Comprehensive Induction for Early Career Early Childhood Educators
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The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the shared, lived experience of early career early childhood educators' participation in a community of practice. The theoretical framework guiding this research was Wenger's (1998) Community of Practice theory, which explained how learning occurs through collaborative and situated learning. Participants included four early childhood educators that have been in the field between three and five years and have participated in a community of practice together since the beginning of their career. This study described their lived experiences within the group, their perception of participation impacting their practice and the ways in which participants named and framed problems of practice. Qualitative data collection methods included one individual interview, six written reflections and six community of practice session transcripts. Data analysis followed Moustaka's (1994) procedure steps for phenomenological research and generated significant statements, codes and themes to capture the essence of the phenomenon. These themes included a supportive and safe community with affirmation and connection that led professional and personal growth in the form of resiliency and agency. When describing the essence and lived experiences of early career ECEs who participated in a community of practice as extended induction, participants framed questions in ways that promoted their inquiry. Specifically, the community of practice offered a lens through which participants thought about their questions of practice within a wider framework of other's perspectives. Components that contributed to the early career ECEs experience and learning through this community of practice included mutual engagement through separate and structured spaces for growth utilizing guided conversation protocols to support transformational learning. Three stake holders with implications from this study include: a) the early childhood field to prioritize induction support for early career educators; b) early childhood teacher preparation programs to introduce preservice teachers to inquiry models such as communities of practice early in their program; and c) early career early childhood educators to prioritize time and space for reflection of practice.