An archaeological survey of 90 acres at Camp Bowie, Brown County, Texas
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In February, March, and May of 2001, personnel from the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), The University of Texas at San Antonio, conducted a cultural resource inventory survey, involving pedestrian survey and shovel testing, of an approximately 90-acre (364,060 m2) tract of land in a plowed field on Camp Bowie, Brown County, Texas. A total of 104 shovel tests were systematically placed within the 90-acre area. The survey identified three prehistoric sites, all lithic scatters defined by surface material. Twelve additional shovel tests were placed on these three sites. An arrow point fragment, collected from the surface of 41BR499, suggests a Late Prehistoric affiliation for this site. Dart points collected from 41BR500 suggest a Late Archaic use of this area. Finally, an arrow point, collected from 41BR501, suggests a Late Prehistoric component at this site. In addition, a single whole mano was collected from the surface of 41BR500. Based on the results of the pedestrian survey and the overall condition of the sites, CAR suggests that two of the sites (41BR499 and 41BR501) lack data of sufficient quality or quantity to address regional research questions. In the case of both 41BR499 and 41BR501, the sites appear to be primarily surface phenomena that have been impacted by plowing and are not recommended for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, or for designation as State Archaeological Landmarks. In the case of 41BR500, while much of the site appears to be disturbed by plowing and trenching activities, a portion of the site situated along the edge of the field has not been disturbed. Subsurface deposits are present in this unplowed area and shovel test results, supported by high soil susceptibility values, suggest the presence of a buried feature. In addition, 41BR500 contains both high artifact density and variety, and the recovery of diagnostic projectile points suggest a Late Archaic temporal placement. As such, CAR recommends that 41BR500 is potentially eligible for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places, and designation as a State Archeological Landmark. Further testing of this site in the undisturbed portion is recommended to determine final eligibility status.