The Walnut Branch Hike and Bike Trail Pedestrian Survey, Guadalupe County, Texas




Figueroa, Antonia L.
Ulrich, Kristi M.
Oksanen, Eric R.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The Center for Archaeological Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted an intensive pedestrian survey along Walnut Branch in Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas during the first half of 2008 and in June of 2009.This investigation was associated with the Walnut Branch Hike and Bike Trail project that involves the City of Seguin and Jacobs. The project aims to revitalize a portion of Walnut Branch for community betterment, tourism and the stimulation of commercial development. There are several historical structures in the environs of the creek, including the Sebastopol State Historical Structure. The archaeological investigations associated with this project were conducted under the Texas Antiquities Permit # 4734 with Jennifer L. Thompson serving as the Principal Investigator. Thirty-nine shovel tests and five backhoe trenches were excavated along the banks of Walnut Branch. During these efforts three new sites were recorded: 41GU113, a multi-component site, was located on a sloping terrace along the western bank of the creek; 41GU114, also a multi-component site, was located on the western descending bank of the creek; and 41GU115 was located on the eastern descending bank of the creek and contained historic material. CAR does not recommend further work on the sites nor does CAR recommend that they are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or formal designation as State Archaeological Landmarks. All artifacts and records collected during the project are temporarily curated at the Center for Archaeological Research according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Guadalupe County

