The jackpump project: An archaeological survey of portions of Karnes and Gonzales Counties, Texas




Kelly, Thomas C.
Highley, Lynn

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, conducted an archaeological and historical survey of approximately 2000 acres of Chevron Resources Company leases in Karnes and Gonzales Counties during April 1978 (Fig. 1). The Jackpump survey was accomplished under terms of a contract between VTN Consolidated (Irvine, California) and the Center for Archaeological Research as part of an environmental study of a potential mining region. The objective of the survey was to determine if cultural and historical resources are present within the area and to make any recommendations for avoidance, protection or recovery of potentially significant features. The field work was administered by Dr. Thomas R. Hester, Director of the Center, and Mr. Jack D. Eaton, Assistant Director. Thomas C. Kelly, Research Associate, directed field operations, laboratory work and write up for the project. The field team included Roger Hemion, Rebekah Halpern and Waynne Cox. Lynn Highley did historical research and cataloged the archaeological specimens.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Indians of North America, Karnes County, Gonzales County

