Camp Maxey II: A 5,000 acre cultural resource survey of Camp Maxey, Lamar County, Texas




Lyle, Anthony S.
Tomka, Steve A.
Perttula, Timothy K.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


Between May 1999, and February 2000, the Center for Archaeological Research of The University of Texas at San Antonio (CAR-UTSA) conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 5,000 acres for the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG) on Camp Maxey. This project was conducted in order to complete a 100 percent survey of Camp Maxey, a TXARNG training facility in north-central Lamar County, Texas, under Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Antiquities Code of Texas. A total of 98 sites (41LR181–280) were discovered and recorded. In addition, five previously recorded sites (41LR137, 41LR148, 41LR170, 41LR172, and 41LR173) were revisited and minimal work was conducted at them for re-evaluation. In total, 136 archaeological sites have been identified and documented within the boundary of the Camp Maxey training facility, during the various archaeological projects conducted by CAR and other agencies. Based on the results of the pedestrian survey and limited shovel testing, CAR recommends that 30 of the sites recorded at Camp Maxey may be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and for listing as State Archaeological Landmarks. However, further work and additional information is needed on these sites before sufficient information exists to make this recommendation with any degree of confidence. Therefore, CAR recommends additional archaeological work, in the form of systematic subsurface test excavations, at the following sites: 41LR137, 41LR168, 41LR170, 41LR184, 41LR186, 41LR187, 41LR190, 41LR194, 41LR196, 41LR200, 41LR202, 41LR203, 41LR204, 41LR207, 41LR208, 41LR212, 41LR213, 41LR214, 41LR222, 41LR225, 41LR226, 41LR233, 41LR238, 41LR244, 41LR254, 41LR258, 41LR259, 41LR260, 41LR266, and 41LR268. It is the opinion of CAR archaeologists that all other sites identified and recorded during the survey have minimal potential to contribute to regional and/or local prehistory and any significant research topics and issues. Therefore, it is recommended that no further archaeological work is necessary at any of the remaining sites recorded during the survey.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, archaeological surveying, Indians of North America, historic sites, Camp Maxey, Lamar County, excavations

