Perez, Timothy A.2020-06-192020-06-1920192470-3958 poster was submitted and presented at the “SWAYWO” conference which took place at The University of Texas at San Antonio in April of 2019. This research poster has been edited for publication.This poster frames the corrido (a Texas-Mexican border ballad) as a form of cultural resistance to rationalization due to the way it defies the fixed identity that the Texas-Mexican border tries to impose on those who live around it. It does this through rhetorically mimicking discourse of dominance, defying static identity, and often being based around foklhero that recreates their subjectivity in defiance of authorities. This project was intended to frame corridos in this way for future analysis as well as provide a different way to understand the particular issues facing Mexican life near and around the border.en-USCorridos as Cultural Resistance to RationalizationPoster