Investigations on the Site of Wohlfarth's Mercantile and the Search for the Arocha Acequia, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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In August 2014, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) excavated five backhoe trenches within the confines of New City Block 1917, Lots 6 and 12. This work was performed for VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and under the review of the Texas Historical Commission (THC). The work was conducted pursuant to Texas Antiquities Permit No. 7102, with Dr. Raymond P. Mauldin serving as Principal Investigator and Clinton M. M. McKenzie as Project Archaeologist. CAR determined the locations for five backhoe trenches, monitored their excavation, and drew profiles of each trench in an effort to determine if the Spanish Colonial Arocha Acequia was present within the project area and to see if any prehistoric materials were present beneath the surface. No Spanish Colonial elements were identified, nor was there any evidence of prehistoric occupation on the site. No artifacts were collected. Records generated during the project were prepared for curation according to THC guidelines. They are permanently curated at CAR at UTSA.