Archaeological and Historical Resources in the San Antonio-Guadalupe River Basins: A Preliminary Statement
Hester, Thomas R.
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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
In November, 1974, the Center for Archaeological Research of The University of Texas at San Antonio was requested to prepare an archaeological-historical resource inventory of the Guadalupe-San Antonio River Basins. This work was done under contract with Ecol ogy Audits, Inc. of Dallas, Texas. The contract called for the inventory to be of a general nature, suitable for use as a base line description in planning. The contract stated that the following items were to be included in the assessment:
- Inventories for the 15 counties within the basin: Bandera, Bexar, Caldwell, Calhoun, Comal, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Victoria, and Wilson Counties, as well as two counties, Medina and Uvalde, lying outside the study area.
- Topics including, but not limited to: a. Statements about archaeological sites and their significance. b. Indian cultures. c. Other ethnic cultures. d. Religious groups. e. "Western Frontier". f. Architecture and styles. g. Major historical events. h. Major historical persons.
- General Assessment of archaeological and historical resources in the following proposed reservoirs: a. Lockhart Reservoir (Gonzales County). b. Cloptin Crossing Reservoir (Hays County). c. Goliad Reservoir (Goliad and Karnes Counties). d. Applewhite Reservoir (DeWitt County). e. Cuero Reservoir (DeWitt County). f. Ingram Reservoir (Kerr County). This report presents the results of the study carried out by the Center for Archaeological Research. Active participants in various phases of the project included the following Center personnel: Feris A. Bass, Jr., Mary Frances Chadderdon, Nancy Y. Clayton, Anne A. Fox, E. S. Harris, Cheryl Lynn Highley, Jules Jacquier, Thomas C. Kelly, and Harvey P. Smith, Jr.
San Antonio History, Texas History, San Antonio (Tex.)--Antiquities