Salado Creek Greenway Northern Segment Survey: Walker Ranch Park to Blanco Road, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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From November 29 through Dec 1, 2011, archaeologists from the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted a 100 percent intensive pedestrian survey along the Salado Creek Greenway Belt between Walker Ranch Parkand Hardberger Park in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The length of the proposed project Right-of-Way (ROW) is approximately 2,926 m (9,600 ft.) and the width varies between 13 m (40 ft.) and 150 m (460 ft.). Work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 6077, with Steve Tomka as Principal Investigator. Records and artifacts are curated at the CAR. The goal of the archaeological survey was to determine the presence of previously unrecorded archaeological sites within the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE corresponds to the proposed ROW. In addition the location of 17 previously recorded sites within the proposed APE were revisited. Additional shovel tests were excavated at the 41BX1744, the Voelcker Farmstead, in an attempt to locate a buried historic trash midden. Eleven shovel tests were excavated at 41BX1744; two contained modern and possible historic artifacts. None of the artifacts could be reliably dated earlier than the late nineteenth century, and no further refinement for the age of the stone house was possible. No intact cultural deposits were encountered during the survey. No shovel tests were excavated outside of 41BX1744 because of the lack of suitable soil deposits within the APE. Archaeological site 41BX202 was determined to be outside the proposed APE and had been destroyed by construction. Sites 41BX203-212 could not be relocated; their settings altered through residential development and erosion. Site 41BX213 was outside of the APE on a high bluff. Site 41BX214 could not be relocated. Site 41BX224 was outside of the APE. Site 41BX225 is presumed destroyed by construction and residential development. Site 41BX1271, the Walker Ranch site, will not be impacted by the proposed project. Site 41BX1744, the Voelcker Farmstead, will not be impacted. Site 41BX1776, which is adjacent to the Voelcker Farmstead,will not be impacted, nor will sites 41BX1777 and 41BX1778. No additional archaeological investigations are recommended in the proposed APE. The survey found no settings suitable to contain archaeological deposits that would be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or official designation as a State Archaeological Landmark (SAL). The Voelcker Farmstead, 41BX1744, contains standing structures and is eligible for listing in the NRHP. However, the archaeology is not a contributing factor to the site’s eligibility, and there will be no impact to the contributing structures.