An Initial Archaeological and Historical Assessment of Three Proposed Dam Sites in Gonzales and Kendall Counties, Texas




Hester, Thomas R.
Kelly, Thomas C.
Bass, Feris A., Jr.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


Under the terms of a contract with Ecology Audits, Inc., of Dallas, Texas, the Center for Archaeological Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio, carried out general archaeological and historical assessments in Gonzales and Kendall counties. The present report will form part of a larger document (to be submitted to the United States Bureau of Reclamation) dealing with proposed construction of the Gonzales and Dilworth dams (Gonzales County) and Dam 7 (Kendall County). During the month of February, 1975, personnel of the Center for Archaeological Research compiled information on the archaeology and history of the areas of the three proposed dam sites. Emphasis was placed on an assessment of the archaeological resources and 5.5 days were devoted to field visits to the three proposed reservoir basins. The purpose of these field trips was not intensive survey, but rather a brief on-the-ground inspection of certain portions of these reservoirs, in order to provide an initial, and quite general, assessment of the archaeological resources which might exist. Time was also devoted to a literature survey designed to provide historical summaries of the regions within which the reservoirs might be constructed.



Texas History, Indians of North America--Texas--Gonzales County--Antiquities, Indians of North America--Texas--Kendall County--Antiquities, Gonzales County (Tex.)--Antiquities, Kendall County (Tex.)--Antiquities


