An analysis of senior resource systems in Bexar County: Implications for elder residents
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Impending Baby Boom demographic transitions are in place that will cause strain in the resource systems available to Bexar County's elder population, as this population will dramatically increase and will live to unprecedented ages. These transitions will severely impact the lifestyles and expectations of this population. Several important decisions affecting government funding for social service agencies and eldercare programs are addressed in this thesis. This thesis identifies individuals age 60 and over as the elder population.
The issues in this research are tied to public sociology while drawing on conflict theory principles. According to Burawoy (2004), public sociology is a means of moving beyond academia and theory to have an affect on public policy decisions. Public sociology assists in framing the situation the elder population are currently facing by creating an awareness of the appropriate resources that are needed for their care. This analysis will provide an understanding of the issues which currently impact and will further affect the elder population. Public Sociology offers a background on interpretation of public policy decisions. Conflict theory provides a theoretical perspective based on an interpretation of the consequences and reactions of limited resources. Together, these two theoretical perspectives create a synthesis to allow for the interpretation of elder resource systems as related to public policy.
Important aspects of the elder population are addressed at the national level, including demographics, health trends, government policy, and caregiving. A national-level analysis presents research for a broad-level discussion of various elder-population studies. By analyzing these studies, trends pertaining to this population will be evaluated concerning Bexar County's resources.
Three crucial resources for the elder population are examined in this thesis: home-delivered meals, companionship, and personal assistance services. The analysis of these resources provides a microcosm of the needs of the elder population in Bexar County. Trends regarding requirements of care will be used to help clarify the challenges faced by the elder population.