Simulation of nano-particle transport in channeled flow with experimental validation




Moza, Cristian Florin

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In this study, we investigate channel flow behaviors and particle transport phenomena with effect of flow domain geometry. In particular, the physical properties of the migration mode such as distributed mode and drift of particles are included in the scope of this study. The answers to these fundamental questions very important of this study to nano- and micro-scale particle flow, in which the particle-flow interaction needs to be considered. The potential applications of this study include engineered deliveries of chemical agents to targeted sites in environmental engineering and targeted drug delivery in biomedicine and cancer treatment. Numerical analysis is carried out using both Finite Element Method (FEM) with arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation; and multiple-particle reactive colloidal Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) in order to simulate all pertinent forces among particles and between particles and flow boundaries at nanoscale and microscale. Both methods are capable of simulating pertinent forces among particles, and between particles and flow boundaries. The example problems are chosen to be horizontal channels with both inline and offset wall with uniform-sized cylindrical impermeable obstacles. The results show that the simulation results obtained from both FEM and LBM, although slightly different, correlate with experimental data within RMS average of 10% in terms of maximum particle velocity over a period of time.


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channeled flow, fluids, nanoparticle



Mechanical Engineering