Archeological Survey for the Loop 410 Improvements Project, City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of the University of Texas at San Antonio was contracted by the HNTB Corporation (contracted by TxDOT) in 2000 to conduct an archeological survey of the proposed Loop 410 Improvements Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is the current ROW and the proposed new ROW along Loop 410 and the three highways intersected by the loop. The project area is located along the southwestern portion of Loop 410 beginning about 0.61 miles northeast of FM 3487 (Culebra Road) and ending 2.25 miles east of IH 35 South. In addition, the project area included varying distances along three highways that intersect with Loop 410: SH 151, US 90, and US 35. The archeological work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Committee permit #3003 with Steve A. Tomka serving as Principal Investigator during the Phase I and Jennifer L. Thompson serving during Phase II and III. The intensive pedestrian survey was conducted in three phases. Phase I was conducted from July to September 2005. Phase II, was completed in April and May of 2007. No new archeology sites were documented during Phase I and II of archeological investigations. Four sites were revisited (41BX555, 41BX556, 41BX683 and 41BX704). All proved to be impacted by development and no cultural material was recovered. Phase III of the project consisted of 16 backhoe trenches placed in areas where deeply buried cultural deposits were probable. Only one trench (BHT 13) encountered artifacts. Testing was recommended on this site to determine if the site retains enough significance to make it eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and/or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (SAL). Tex Site forms requesting a trinomial were submitting and the field site was deemed 41BX1749. Access to properties along the proposed ROW was limited and 18 properties within the proposed ROW remain unsurveyed. CAR recommends survey of these properties when access is granted. All artifacts and records collected or generated during this project are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines.