After-the-Fact Investigations of a Utility Trench, Intersection of South Flores Street and West Sheridan Street, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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In August 2014, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted after-the-fact archaeological investigations of a utility trench located within the City of San Antonio right-of-way at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Flores Street and West Sheridan Street. The work was funded by AT&T at the mandate of the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation (COSA-OHP). The work was conducted pursuant to Texas Antiquities Permit No. 6999, with Dr. Raymond P. Mauldin serving as Principal Investigator and Clinton M. M. McKenzie as Project Archaeologist. The work included the plan-mapping of the excavation trenches, profiling of one wall, conducting magnetic soil susceptibility testing, and screening of 350 liters of back dirt. The work identified a new prehistoric archaeological site, 41BX2057. The prehistoric archaeological site exhibited lithic debitage, burned rock, charcoal, a core, and informal tools. The depth and persistence of the deposit from 40 cm below the datum (cmbd) to the maximum depth tested of 120 cmbd,suggests the site possesses potential for future research. Therefore, the CAR recommends the site be listed as having “unknown eligibility” with research potential on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). As the investigation was conducted after-the-fact and reached the maximum depth of impact, CAR recommended to the COSA-OHP and the Texas Historical Commission (THC) that AT&T be allowed to backfill the excavation. Artifacts collected and records generated during the project were prepared for curation according to THC guidelines. They are permanently curated at CAR at UTSA.