An archaeological assessment of the San Antonio 201 wastewater treatment project




Fox, Anne A.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


During December of 1976 and January and February of 1977, personnel of the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), carried out archaeological surveys and assessment of more than 11 different drainages and three sewage treatment plant areas around the periphery of the City of San Antonio. This comprised Phase I of a project to assess archaeological resources for preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the San Antonio 201 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Project. Phase II of the project will involve archaeological testing where necessary for more accurate assessment of sites recorded in Phase I. Technical aspects of the work have been managed by Radian Corporation as agent for the City of San Antonio. This was done in order to facilitate the preparation of the impact statement by that corporation; regular progress reports to Radian and to the City have been made by the Field Supervisor. Objectives of the survey were: (1) to determine the presence or absence of archaeological resources within each area that might be affected in any way by construction of sewer lines and related facilities; (2) to record, identify and appraise the relative significance of any resource discovered during the survey; and (3) to make recommendations for a subsequent testing phase, in which a better evaluation could be made of documented cultural resources.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Indians of North America, San Antonio, Bexar County

