Influence of neighboring particles on the drag of a particle suspended in laminar flows




Roig, Adam Vincent

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Understanding particle-fluid flows is very important for the areas of sedimentation in river beds, fluidized bed reactors, and other fields of multiphase flow. The effect of one particle on another in a fluid flow is not very well understood nor does a correlation exist to describe the behavior of the drag coefficient between particles. The use of Proteus was validated by comparison to previous studies to the result obtained through simulations in Proteus, including analysis of the wake structure of a single sphere. Two particles were then analyzed for various Reynolds numbers less than 250 but greater than 5 and for the dimensionless gap of L/D ≥ 2, where L is the distance between the two particle centers and D is the diameter of the particles. Two arrangements were used for simulation, with the particles spaced horizontally or vertically within the fluid flow. Both orientations were evaluated for the effects of the dimensionless gap on the drag coefficient. The wake structure at higher Reynolds numbers were also evaluated for effects due to neighboring particles. A correlation was developed for the case of the horizontal particles at a dimensionless gap, L/D ≥ 2 for the range of Reynolds numbers described. The orientation effect is then studied at a fixed distance for offsets of thirty, forty-five and sixty degrees from the horizontal. Results are also presented to evaluate the effect of the diameter of a neighboring particle. The current results are restricted to the case described in the work. Future studies may build on the current work to extend the work to other effects of neighboring particles and multiple particle influence.


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drag, hydrodynamic, laminar, multiphase, particleparticle, two-fluid



Mechanical Engineering