Natural gas pipeline survey, northwest Menard county, Texas
Kelly, Thomas C.
Valdez, Fred
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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Pursuant to requirements of the E.D.A. as outlined in a letter from the City of Menard, Texas dated April 16, 1979, the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) submitted a proposal for an archaeological survey of the route of a new natural gas pipeline. This proposal was accepted by the City of Menard in a letter dated April 23, and the survey was accomplished on May 1 and 2 by Thomas C. Kelly and Fred Valdez, Jr., archaeologists from the UTSA Center for Archaeological Research. [...] Based on our thorough on-the-ground survey, we are confident that there are no prehistoric or historic cultural resources that will be affected in any way by the proposed natural gas pipeline.
archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Menard County