An Archaeological Survey of CPS Energy's Railroad Ground Wire Project T-0248, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas




Wigley, Sarah
Razo, Mikaela

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


On October 14-19, 2020, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) completed an archaeological survey along a 0.72 km (0.45 mi) long and 20 m (65.6 ft.) wide CPS Energy (CPS) easement that comprises 1.44 ha. (3.6 acres) in northeastern San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The work was conducted in response to a request from Adams Environmental, Inc., in advance of the installation of four new CPS poles. The survey, conducted under the requirements of the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation Unified Development Code and the Antiquities Code of Texas, was carried out under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 9637. Mikaela Razo and Sarah Wigley served as Project Archaeologists, and Cynthia Munoz served as Principal Investigator. A pedestrian survey with shovel testing was conducted in order to identify potential cultural resources within the easement. Twenty shovel tests were excavated, eight of which were positive for cultural material. Material recovered from shovel tests includes historic ceramics, construction material, glass, and metal. Three previously unrecorded archaeological sites were documented, 41BX2390, 41BX2391, and 41BX2392, all primarily historic in nature. The CAR recommends that the three sites are ineligible within right-of-way (ROW) for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places or designation as a State Antiquities Landmark, and that construction be allowed to proceed as planned. Collected artifacts and records generated during the course of this project are permanently curated at the CAR as Accession 2318, with the exception of artifacts discarded with the concurrence of CPS and the Texas Historical Commission.



Texas archaeology, San Antonio, San Antonio Missions, historic archaeology


Wigley, S., and M. Razo (2021). An Archaeological Survey of CPS Energy’s Railroad Ground Wire Project T-0248, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report No. 489. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
