An archaeological assessment of the Dolores Aldrete house property, San Antonio, Texas




Fox, Daniel E.
Valdez, Fred
Osborne Bobbitt, Lynn

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


During March and April 1978, a preliminary archaeological investigation was conducted at the historic "Dolores Aldrete House," lots 7, 8 and 9 of block 155, fronting on East Nueva Street in downtown San Antonio, Texas. Under contract with the property owners, Carol Lee Klose, Gary Mark Klose and Randall Mark Klose, and the Center for Archaeological Research, two archaeologists from the Center investigated the age, nature of construction and condition of the depth and character of cultural deposits and evaluated the archaeological potential of the site. Following is a report on the findings of this archaeological investigation, accompanied by a preliminary history of site occupation and recommendations for future management of the Dolores Aldrete House property as a cultural resource. The field work was done by Daniel Fox, assisted by Fred Valdez, Jr., and aided by the volunteers already mentioned. All field work was conducted under the direction of Dr. Thomas R. Hester, Director, and Mr. Jack D. Eaton, Assistant Director, the Center for Archaeological Research.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, San Antonio, historic buildings

