The effect of incorporating a technology-based component into the developmental mathematics course on the success of students enrolled in MAT 0213




Duka, Marichu Fajardo

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This study investigated if incorporating a technology-based component into the developmental mathematics course increased student success. The t-test of two independent samples showed that the mean grade of students enrolled in a course that used MyMathLab in the completion of homework (MML-section) was statistically higher compared to the mean grade of students who did not use MyMathLab (non-MML section). A comparison of the mean grades by gender showed that the mean grade of male students in the MML section was not significantly higher than those in the non-MML section at α = .05, but significant at α = .10. Among the female students, the difference in the mean grade was not significant.

The study also investigated if other factors affected student success. The t-test showed no significant difference in the mean grade between male and female students. The One-Way ANOVA, which was used to compare the mean grade among ethnic groups, showed no significant results. Data on age, highest mathematics course taken, number of years since last mathematics course was taken, and feelings and attitude towards mathematics were compared to the student's passing or failing the course. The Chi-square test of independence showed that among these factors, only the highest mathematics completed in high school showed a significant result.

The t-tests were validated using additional data. The larger sample size resulted in smaller p-values for Hypotheses 1 and 2, which supported the research hypotheses that the mean grade of students in the MML section is significantly higher than those in the non-MML section.


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Developmental Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Technology and Mathematics


