Exploring the Influence of Video Feedback Upon Teacher Candidates' Evolution of Teaching Beliefs and Second Language Acquisition Specialized Knowledge of Comprehensible Input
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Theorists agree that adequate knowledge does not guarantee better decisions or performances in the future (Gu, 2007; Dana & Yendol-Hpppery, 2008). Instead, they suggest that in order to comprehend teachers' decision and practices, researchers need to learn about both teachers' belief and knowledge.
Meanwhile, in-service teachers were displaying many prior knowledge, assumptions, and beliefs about teaching and learning, which they acquired within the teacher preparation program (Feiman-Nemser & Remillard,1996). This study is aimed at capturing the dynamic evolution process of teachers' belief, SLA specialized knowledge. By using video feedback as a treatment, this quasi-experimental study compares the changes in teacher candidates' belief as well as the SLA specialized among different feedback groups.
A mixed method, which contains the pre and post surveys, semi-structured interviews, micro-teaching assignments decoding and in-class observations, is used to boost the internal validity of the research design. Two ANCOVA analysis were conducted, through controlling different co-variances (e.g. prior beliefs, or prior SLA specialized knowledge). The results suggest after the treatment, there is no statistically significant difference in teacher candidates' post-treatment belief (F(2, 114)=.755; p=.472), and their post-treatment SLA specialized knowledge F (2, 114) = 1.288; p =.280). Two post-hoc ANCOVA analysis were administered to examine the change in teacher candidates' beliefs and SLA specialized knowledge of comprehensible input, after extending ten participants who displayed both prior knowledge of comprehensible input and prior experiences of working with English Language learners. The result still indicated that there was no statistical significant difference in teacher candidates' beliefs (F (2, 104)=.862; p=.425), and SLA specialized knowledge(F(2, 104)=1.604; p =.206)., after the video feedback treatment. This result is aligned with the patterns which were generalized from semi-structured interviews: 1) a lack of changes in the teacher candidates' beliefs and SLA specialized knowledge of comprehensible input after receiving feedback, (2) an alignment between the teacher candidates' micro-teaching performances and their beliefs and SLA specialized knowledge of comprehensible input, (3) the role of the English proficiency level in determining the evolution of the teacher candidates' beliefs and SLA specialized knowledge of comprehensible input, and (4) the teacher candidates' positive perceptions of the video feedback. Overall, the innovation in the format of feedback increased teacher candidates' awareness of feedback. However, the video feedback has less power on influencing the evolution of teacher candidates' beliefs and SLA specialized knowledge.