Archaeological Investigations for VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Underground Storage Tank Replacement, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas




Wigley, Sarah

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


From March to September 2023, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), in response to a request from VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority (VIA-MTA) conducted archaeological monitoring of trench excavation in support of the replacement of existing underground storage tanks and associated utilities at 1720 North Flores Street, San Antonio, Texas. As the project area is located on VIA-MTA property, the project required compliance with the Texas Antiquities Code, and review under the Unified Development Code of the City of San Antonio (Article 6 35-630 to 35-634). The project was conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 30836. David Yelacic, former CAR Director, served as the Principal Investigator and directed the fieldwork until his departure from the CAR in August of 2023. Following his departure, Leonard Kemp assumed the role of Principal Investigator and Sarah Wigley served as the Project Archaeologist. The project area, spanning 0.07 hectares (ha; 0.2 acres), is located east of San Pedro Creek within the current VIA-MTA bus parking lot at the Via Metro Center. Potential resources of concern included the San Pedro Acequia 41BX337), as well as the potential for prehistoric resources associated with the San Pedro Creek. Cultural material dating to the early twentieth century was recovered from one trench. No other artifacts or cultural features were recorded. However, based on the sensitivity of the area, the CAR recommends monitoring of any future ground-disturbing activities that have impacts below the hardscapes within the project area. All artifacts collected and records generated during this project were curated at the CAR curation facility on the UTSA Main Campus under Accession Number 2826.



VIA, archaeological monitoring, San Antonio


Wigley, S. (2024). Archaeological Investigations for VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Underground Storage Tank Replacement, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Technical Report, No. 108. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio
