An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey in Gold Canyon Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas Description
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In April 2014, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted an archaeological survey of a proposed trail system located on a 17-hectare section of Gold Canyon Park. The survey was performed for Adams Environmental, Inc. on behalf of the City of San Antonio (COSA). The survey, conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Antiquities Code, was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 6826 with Dr. Raymond P. Mauldin serving as Principal Investigator and Stephen Smith serving as Project Archaeologist. The work was conducted in advance of the proposed improvements. Pedestrian reconnaissance with shovel tests was used to search for cultural resources on the project area. One previously recorded archaeological site (41BX455) was revisited, and one new site (41BX2006) was identified. Both sites are defined by shallowly buried cultural material and surface scatters of debitage, edge-modified flakes, bifaces, and burned rock. No features or temporally diagnostic artifacts were recorded in either site. The majority of the cultural material is on the surface or in shallow deposits. The lack of sediments, shallow depth of deposits, and the low density of buried prehistoric material on both sites suggest that they possess little potential for future research. Therefore, the CAR recommends that both sites be listed as ineligible for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The CAR recommends that construction of the proposed park improvements proceed as planned. In a letter dated June 24, 2014, the Texas Historical Commission (THC) agreed with these recommendations. The COSA Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) also concurred with the CAR’s recommendations. Artifacts collected and records generated during this project were prepared for curation according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines and are permanently curated at the CAR at UTSA.