Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas




Figueroa, Antonia L.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), in response to a request from Bain Medina Bain, Inc., conducted an intensive pedestrian survey of the proposed Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, in northwest San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The work was completed on October 4, 12, and December 21, 2018. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) consisted of a 1-km (0.6-mile) proposed trail that ran parallel to Babcock Road along Maverick Creek and Huesta Creek. The proposed trail begins at Bamberger Park and Huesta Creek (off old Babcock Road) and continues north to the intersection of UTSA Boulevard and Babcock Road. The Maverick Creek trail segment is on City of San Antonio-owned property and the project includes public funding. Therefore, the project falls under the review authority of the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation (COSA-OHP) and the Texas Historical Commission (THC). The project was conducted under the Texas Antiquities Code with Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8583. Paul Shawn Marceaux served as the Principal Investigator, and Antonia L. Figueroa served as Project Archaeologist. During the archaeological investigations, 23 shovel tests were excavated, and one site (41BX2263) was documented. Site 41BX2263 was defined by two positive shovel tests located on a small upland setting north of Huesta Creek. The site consisted of a light scatter of late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century material found in two shovel tests. CAR recommends site 41BX2263 is not eligible for State Antiquities Landmark designation or listing on the National Register of Historic Places. CAR recommends no further archaeological work and that construction of this section of the Maverick Creek Greenway Trail proceed as it will not impact any previous or new archaeological sites or features. However, in the event that construction reveals archaeological deposits, work should cease, and the City Archaeologist of COSA-OHP should be notified.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, archaeological surveying, excavations, Bexar County, San Antonio, trails

