Archaeological Monitoring of the Dignowity and Lockwood Parks Improvements Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas




Kim, Lynn
Zapata, José E.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) conducted archaeological monitoring for the City of San Antonio (COSA) Dignowity and Lockwood Parks Improvement Project, an area comprised of 3.4 hectares (ha; 8.5 acres). The work, completed intermittently between February 2021 and June 2023, involved extensive grading and utility trenching. Because the project area is on COSA-owned land, the project falls under the Unified Development Code (UDC; Article 6 35-630 through 35-634) and requires review from the COSA’s Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). In addition, the work required review by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) under the Antiquities Code of Texas and was conducted under Permit No 9747. The Principal Investigator of this project was Cynthia Munoz, Interim Director of the CAR, with Lynn Kim serving as the Project Archaeologist. Archaeological monitoring by the CAR found eleven features. One new site was recorded (41BX2414), and two previously recorded sites (41BX2295 and 41BX2296) were revisited. The CAR sent site revisits forms and updated shape files for 41BX2295 and 41BX2296 to the THC. The CAR proposes that newly recorded site 41BX2414, a masonry wall footing associated with the Lockwood home, is not eligible for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or as a State Antiques Landmark (SAL). The site has been extensively impacted by mid-nineteenth century construction episodes. Excluding artifacts that, lacking scientific value, were discarded with the consent of the COSA and the THC, all artifacts, field documents, photos, and record were curated at the CAR facility under accession No. 2810.



Lockwood Park, Dignowity Park, archaeological monitoring


Kim, L. and J.E. Zapata (2024). Archaeological Monitoring of the Dignowity and Lockwood Parks Improvements Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 506. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
