Implementation of business enterprise software in educational organizations: reactance, efficacy, empathy, and locus of control




Jacobs, Adam Daniel

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In recent years, business enterprise software (BES) has become ubiquitous in thriving organizations. Due to the complexity of organizational structure, technological variations, and communicative intricacy, however, many organizations experience reactance to the adoption of BES. The present study aims to investigate reactance to mandated use of BES by organizational members. Statistical results from an online survey of the faculty, staff, and administration of The University of Texas at San Antonio indicate that the proposed research model effectively demonstrates and examines contributing elements of mandate reactance and how its impact can be lessened. The model aims to determine perceptions and behaviors that can be identified by organizational members and leaders to lessen mandate reactance during a mandated BES transition. The researcher completed an explication of reactance and two distinct forms of reactance were found. Message reactance was found in health campaigns and in broadcast situations. Mandate reactance was found in situations where message receivers had limited choice when confronted with change initiatives. This thesis examined locus of control, empathy, computer self-efficacy, and offering options as methods of reducing mandate reactance. The results showed that only locus of control had a statistically significant affect on mandate reactance. Options offered within the system and surveillance paranoia were also significant and were added to the mandate reactance model. Both theoretical and practical implications are provided based on the findings. This thesis concludes by offering some guidelines toward building a new Theory of Mandate Reactance.


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Computer Self-Efficacy, Emapathy, Enterprise Software, Locus of Control, Reactance


