The Weston Urban Open Space Park CPS Line Project San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), in response to a request from City Public Service Energy (CPS), conducted archaeological monitoring related to the installation of utilities for new construction on the Weston Urban Open Space Park site in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Completed in September 2020, the archaeological work consisted of monitoring below ground installation of utilities that had the potential to impact known or anticipated archaeological resources within the project area. The installation of electrical and gas service was associated with the development of the Western Urban Open Space Park. The project areas encompassed a combined 22 m length on N. Flores and W. Travis streets, covering an area of less than 0.01 hectares. The project was on City of San Antonio (COSA) right-of-way, and as a result required review by the COSA Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). The work also required Texas Historical Commission (THC) oversight, and was completed under the Texas Antiquities Code, Permit No. 9059. Peggy Wall and José Zapata completed the archaeological monitoring, Antonia Figueroa and José Zapata served as the Project Archaeologist. José Zapata also served as the Principal Investigator (PI) for this project, assuming that role following the departure of Dr. Paul Marceaux, former CAR director and the original project PI. CAR staff determined that a foundation along the west side of the electrical conduit install trench relates to the first site of the Majestic Theater, which was recorded by Figueroa et al. (2022) as 41BX2347. No artifacts were observed in either of the two trenches, and nothing of note was observed in the gas line trench. The construction project proceeded as planned. All project related material, including the final report, are permanently stored at the CAR facilities in accession file number 2250.