Archaeological investigations at sites near Natalia, Medina County, Texas




Hester, Thomas R.
Kelly, Thomas C.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


In January, 1976, Hayden Whitsett, archaeologist for the Texas Water Quality Board, carried out an initial archaeological reconnaissance of areas to be affected by the construction of new sewage treatment plant and lines in Natalia, Texas (Medina County WCID #3; Whitsett 1976). As a result of Whitsett's survey, five archaeological sites (41 ME 18-ME 22) were documented, and Whitsett suggested (~b~d: 1) that four of these might be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Sites. Subsequent to his reconnaissance, Whitsett contacted the Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio, regarding a "Step 2" archaeological testing program at the four sites thought to be of possible National Register quality. An agreement to conduct the needed testing was reached between the Center and the firm of Groves, Fernandez, Barry, Telford and Associates, Inc., the authorized repre-sentatives of the Medina County Water Control and Improvement District., A plan of study outlining the proposed testing program of the Center for Archaeological Research was filed with both the Texas Water Quality Board and the Texas Historical Commission. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Hayden Whitsett (Texas Water Quality Board, Austin), Mr. John P. Evan (Groves, Fernandez, Barry, Telford and Associates, San Antonio), and Mr. C. E. Richardson (President, Medina County Water Control and Improvement District, Natalia) for their assistance with the various facets of this project.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, Medina County

