Intensive pedestrian survey associated with the Enclave Gardens Development Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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On May 16, 2007, the Center for Archaeological Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio conducted an archaeological survey of six acres on the Enclave Garden property located in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The archaeological work was completed for Enclave Gardens, Ltd., in cooperation with Hogan Real Estate Services who planned the construction of a housing development project on the property. Because Olmos Creek runs along the southern property boundary, the City Historic Preservation Office in San Antonio recommended archaeological investigations prior to construction in accordance with the San Antonio Uniform Development Code. There are no federal or state permists, properties or monies associated with this project therefore the Texas Antiquities Permit was not required. Twelve shovel tests were placed across the property revealing water-worn gravels with little soil. All shovel tests contained modern trash or construction materials, though some prehistoric artifacts were found as well. These include three pieces of debitage, a core, and the base of an untypeable projectile point. No features were identified during the survey and no sites were recorded. The natural landscape has been previously disturbed as seen in an aerial photograph from 1985, possibly associated with the re-channelization of Olmos Creek. Therefore, since no intact cultural deposits available for research were located, no further archaeological work is recommended on this property. We recommend the proposed development proceed as planned. All artifacts collected during the project as well as all project-associated documentation are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines.